Organic Trade Board (OTB) Membership
de Le Cuona joined Organic Trade Board (OTB) in August 2021, in time of the launch of the Pure Edition II, the 100% organic linen interior textile collection. By being a member of OTB, de Le Cuona contributes to the efforts of the UK organic industry and collectively with other members raise awareness for organic.
The Organic Trade Board (OTB) was set up in 2009 to bring the efforts of the organic industry together and to increase sales of organic. OTB do this by communicating the benefits of organic via their consumer marketing campaign, Nature has the answer, and their Organic UK consumer channels.
They also work with our members, partner organisations, government and other bodies to further their vision outlined in their Strategic Plan. First published in 2018, it has been updated in 2020 with new ambitions and highlighting even more the fact that members are at the heart of our success. The plan builds on their successful marketing campaigns and work with members, with the clear vision to Make Organic An Everyday Choice. Forever.
de Le Cuona page on the OTB website can be found by clicking here
Read more about the “GOTS AND OTB Roundtable: Raising the profile of GOTS certified products” event, with Bernie de Le Cuona, Lucy Todd and Christopher Stopes as speakers here.